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NEON MuOnline

NEON MuOnline

NEON MuOnline
MMORPG - Mu Online

GamePlay : Role Play Strict

Position 21

Clic Sortant : 710

A complete change in the game concept, as well as game mechanics. Restyling of many game aspects and possibilities. A global simplification of the spectrum of the gaming world in favor of convenience and comfort for the players.
Max Level: 400
Max Reset: 100
Max Master Level: 400
Points per level for all classes: 1
Points no burns after reset.
No Grand Resets. No Offexp. No Offtrade. No white items in drop. No default jewels. Endless and unlimited potions. New Unique Master Skill Tree and more more more!
Check our social media for all game changes. You will be surprised how much we prepared for you!

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